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n. (plural of sonobuoy English)

Usage examples of "sonobuoys".

Four helicopters were dropping sonobuoys in hope of reacquiring it, and a half-dozen sonars were pinging away, but so far it looked as though the submarine had evaded the angry escorts.

Penguin 8 carried eighty sonobuoys, four Mk-46 ASW torpedoes, and some other high-technology weapons-none of which were of the least use against a simple large target like this merchie.

The Orion carried over fifty sonobuoys, and was soon dropping them in sets both above and below the layer.

The suddenly increased noise of her cavitating screws was discernible to several sonobuoys and Pharris's tactical sonar.

Confused by many brief reports from sonobuoys, most of which were probably false signals to begin with, the computer-generated estimate for the submarine's position covered over a hundred square miles.

If the Soviets were deploying their sonobuoys in angled lines left and right of the formation, that could mean that their ships were heading right for Chicago.

Chicago ran for twenty minutes, zigzagging slightly to avoid the Russian sonobuoys, as the firecontrol men kept updating their solutions.

Then he would have to depend on sonobuoys alone, and Morris trusted his towed sonar more than the buoys.

Their helicopters had laid a string of sonobuoys, and their ESM radar receivers listened for the pulsing signal of a Soviet-made radar.

The Russians had sent antisubmarine patrol aircraft first of all, the ubiquitous Bears dropping sonobuoys, but they'd been able to avoid them.

They dropped two lines of passive sonobuoys, each eight miles long, at right angles to each other.

At least three Bear-F patrol aircraft were overhead, dropping sonobuoys all over the place, two Krivak-type frigates and six Grisha patrol boats had shown up on the sonar, and a Victor-III submarine had decided to come to the party.

The Russian ASW aircraft were still overhead, still dropping sonobuoys, but something had gone wrong for them.

Their dependence on active sonobuoys had reduced the effectiveness of their ASW patrol aircraft, and the one thing that had nearly worked-placing a diesel sub between two sonobuoy lines, then spooking their target into moving with a randomly dropped torpedo-had failed also.

The Russians are supposed to depend almost exclusively on active sonobuoys, dammit.