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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Jasper took a taste from the snifter.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1844, "a drink of liquor," earlier "a sniff," from a Scottish and northern English survival of an obsolete verb snift meaning "to sniff, snivel" (mid-14c.), of imitative origin (compare sniff (v.)). Meaning "large bulbous stemmed glass for drinking brandy" is from 1937. The association of "drinking liquor" with words for "inhaling, snuffling" (such as snort (n.), snootful) is perhaps borrowed from snuff-taking and the nasal reaction to it.


n. 1 A small alcoholic drink. 2 A pear-shaped glass for drinking brandy or other alcoholic beverages.


n. a globular glass with a small top; used for serving brandy [syn: brandy snifter, brandy glass]


A snifter (also called brandy snifter, cognac glass, or balloon) is a type of stemware, a short-stemmed glass whose vessel has a wide bottom and a relatively narrow top. It is mostly used to serve aged brown spirits such as bourbon, brandy, and whisky.

Usage examples of "snifter".

Llauron merely smiled, saluted him with the last of the brandy in his snifter, and took a sip.

Tristan could not see his face as he answered and set his brandy snifter on the sideboard.

He walked back to the fireplace and set the snifter on the mantel, then turned to look at her again.

He sighed as Evans held out the oilcloth scrap, lifted his snifter and tossed back the brandy, then held his hand out for the paper.

The Invoker decanted a splash of brandy into a crystal snifter and held it up to the firelight.

She upended the sack into the snifter, then took the decanter of brandy from the floor and splashed a finger of the liquid into the glass.

She swirled the snifter slowly, watching the fine powder catch the currents in the brandy and vanish into them, then held the glass up to the snowy light again.

Eli thought he was going to crush the snifter of brandy between his suddenly quaking hands.

Hugh said, accepting the balloon snifter with a mock toast in the air and an appreciative sip.

He motioned with his brandy snifter for her to come forward, and she walked around until she could see his profile.

He put down his empty brandy snifter and picked up the bottle, examining it in the firelight.

Colin took the snifter he was offered, though his eyes remained keenly on his friend.

Will ordered, lifting his half-filled snifter with one hand while he unbuttoned the top of his shirt with the other.

Now, a brandy snifter in one hand and an Anniversario in the other, he sat facing Comfort across a small coffee table.

He put his snifter down and stood slowly, drawing to his full height of more than six feet, and started toward her, slowly and deliberately.