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snap at

v. bite off with a quick bite; "The dog snapped off a piece of cloth from the intruder's pants" [syn: bite off]

Usage examples of "snap at".

The flag captain paused to nod politely to both of his superiors and Jahanak managed not to snap at him.

The question was asked with a touch of nervousness, the little man primed up, ready to snap at Ryan if he criticized his ensemble.

They were still swirling around, just under the surface of the water, rising to snap at little bits of something edible floating where the fish attendant had left them.

And I just can't square that with someone who allows a tart like Trixie Vixen to snap at him over the phone like she did to you today.

Hearing the soft thuc of the bowstring, feeling the rough hand of the recoil snap at his fingers, Raif knew he had been wrong.