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Snam S.p.A. is an Italian natural gas infrastructure company. As of 31 December 2015, it had a market capitalization of €16.97 billion. Snam was originally a subsidiary of Italian energy company Eni. It has since become an independent company, whose largest shareholder is CDP Reti, a holding company controlled by the Italian state. The utility operates in Italy and, through associated companies, in Austria, France and United Kingdom. Snam is one of Europe's main regulated gas companies - leading Italy in gas transport, storage and distribution, while ranking third in regasification. Its main peers, in the regulated gas and electricity sectors in Italy and in Europe, are:

  • Terna (Italy): the main grid owner, responsible for high voltage electricity transmission and dispatching nationwide
  • Enagas (Spain): Technical Manager of the Spanish gas System and the main carrier of natural gas'''
  • REE - Red Eléctrica de España (Spain): manages the transmission grid and acts as sole transmission agent; it is also the System Operator
  • National Grid (UK): operates in the regulated businesses of transmission and distribution of electricity and gas mainly in the UK and northeastern US