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snail's pace

n. (context idiomatic English) A very slow pace.

Usage examples of "snail's pace".

So Cavorite drifted down the coast at a snail's pace, leaving a snail's trail of molten rock.

He was outwardly the perfect apprentice, deferring to his master in every way and certainly never expressing any impatience with the snail's pace at which his studies now progressed.

If yesterday's wind had been more than a snail's pace we could have been there now.

But a snail's pace was a hell of a lot faster than the door was moving.

Following the sound at the snail's pace of a hurricane came the backwash of the splash.

In that vast extent of water they seemed to be going at a snail's pace.

Like snails they crawled on their bellies, leaving trails of red slime, and they moved at snail's pace downhill toward the river.

He hesitated at the back gate of the pastory and then lifted the latch and started at a snail's pace up the long pathway.

The spark glimmered, sometimes disappearing altogether, yet then flickering back to crawl at its snail's pace along the dark horizon, and the sight of that far, anonymous light made Sharpe feel the discomfort of a soldier at sea.

On most habitable worlds his ship could have paced off this crosscountry journey in only a few minutes, even limping along at a snail's pace, mushing her way through a deep Earth-like atmosphere, using a muffler if necessary to suppress the shock wave that would otherwise have dragged behind.

He crept up to the barrier at a snail's pace, stopping instantly as he touched it, and through that barrier he sent a thought.

Given the snail's pace of human movement, there was no way that Hans Rebka and Darya Lang could have traveled so far in the time available.

I drove at a snail's pace along the rough dirt road, until a small wooden house came into view, set back into the hillside.