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n. (plural of smallholding English)

Usage examples of "smallholdings".

I could see, none of the smallholdings outside the town had been attacked.

There were other smallholdings as wellfishing camps on a nearby baybut these were occupied only in summer.

Before that, however, I would come to any number of smallholdings and settlements along the coast, and inland there were scores of villas and larger estates where I might get help.

Gaius Gracchus legislated to try to curtail that, and to stop the smallholdings of Italy becoming the prey of big-time speculating graziers!

And how you do love to see the smallholdings fall into your grasp because the men who ought to be home running them are dying on some foreign field through sheer aristocratic greed and carelessness!

He was seated at a table of lesser nobility from the smallholdings of Buck and Farrow.

Now these men had almost ceased to exist, and their smallholdings had come into the ownership of men in the Senate or the top ranks of knight-businessmen.

Houses and smallholdings had imperceptibly given way to scrubby thorn brush in sandy valleys that scraped itself thin at each hilltop in a vain attempt to hide the rock beneath.