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Usage examples of "slingstone".

A good sized, well placed slingstone from Rowanoak knocked the rat backwards from the walltop to the courtyard.

The slingstone struck a Transformed in the knee, hard enough to leave it limping.

He gave me this scroll, with this stylus of the slingstone metal, which marks it as though it were wax.

Thus he has given me this scroll and this stylus of heavy slingstone metal.

Hed carefully avoided Gareth thus far, afraid the Knight might find out whose slingstone nearly killed him.

His colleagues exchanged looks that were equal parts pity and thankfulness that Eliezar was there, about to take the royal slingstone for the team.

She moved slowly and carefully, but X-rays said she had only an enormous bruise on her shoulder from a slingstone, not a broken collarbone.

Clogg was trying to keep up heavy volleys of shafts and slingstones to make the defenders keep their heads down.

They stood up to retaliate, and met the volley of slingstones zinging up hard on the heels of the javelins.

The boy was expert with slingstones, and the barbarian woman had a remarkable ability to catch mudcrawlers.

Sole sound aloud the snap of sapless trees, More sharp than slingstones on hard breastplates hurled.

Against men clad in open-faced helms, slingstones can spell instant death.

I swung about in the saddle to see the wide hoplons and long spears of the enemy break through the mist, and above them a black cloud of slingstones, javelins, and arrows.

More of the darts whistled by in flat fast arcs, and slingstones cracked.

Arrows whistled, and slingstones cracked on shields, whunked into flesh.