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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Silkweed \Silk"weed`\, n. (Bot.) Any plant of the genera Asclepias and Acerates whose seed vessels contain a long, silky down; milkweed.


n. (context botany English) Any plant of the genera ''Asclepias'' whose seed vessels contain a long, silky down; milkweed.


n. any of numerous plants of the genus Asclepias having milky juice and pods that split open releasing seeds with downy tufts [syn: milkweed]

Usage examples of "silkweed".

They grow silkweed and combine it with the fur we brush from our coats each day and spin it into thread.

You could always build a lightsaber and use it to help us with the silkweed harvest.

The night before the silkweed harvest was to begin, one of our villagers returned from the fields torn and bleeding.

She told us that a herd of vicious xinkra-beasts three meters tall who could eat one of my people in a single gulp-were headed down the mountain slopes toward the silkweed fields and the village.

Their lines were made of the tough, fibrous, silken bark of the variety of milkweed or silkweed, already mentioned.