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n. (plural of sidle English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: sidle)

Usage examples of "sidles".

Sometimes one man says something about himself that he didn’t aim to let slip, and one of his buddies at the table where he said it yawns and gets up and sidles over to the big log book by the Nurses’ Station and writes down the piece of information he heard—of therapeutic interest to the whole ward, is what the Big Nurse says the book is for, but I know she’s just waiting to get enough evidence to have some guy reconditioned at the Main Building, overhauled in the head to straighten out the trouble.

The editor sidles down the far side of the steps, out of sight of the basement window, while Mackintosh stages an ostentatious departure, pausing on the steps to fumble with his keys.

Never taking his eyes off Elizabeth, he sidles away from her, works his way to the arms room.

She makes eye contact with a more senior customs official who sidles over towards them.