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Shahriyar , also spelled as Shariyar, Shahryar, Shakhriyar, Shahryār, Shahriār, Sheharyar, Shaheryar, Shaharyar or Shehiryar means 'Great King'. In its Urdu transliteration, it is attributed as City Friend, from the Urdu composition of the name (Shahr - city and yar - friend). It may refer to:

Shahriyar (son of Khosrow II)

Shahriyar (also spelled Shahryar) was a Sasanian prince—he was the son of Khosrow II (r. 590-628) and his Christian queen Shirin. In 628, a son of Khosrow II, Kavadh II, staged a coup d'état against his father, and thereafter had all his brothers and half-brothers executed. Shahriyar was survived by his son Yazdegerd III, who would later rule the Sasanian Empire from 632 to 651.