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alt. (obsolete spelling of said lang=en nodot=1); (en-past of say nocap=1) vb. (obsolete spelling of said lang=en nodot=1); (en-past of say nocap=1)

Usage examples of "seyde".

A great number of houses were overthrown at Seyde, and many people buried under the ruins.

Cecile cam whan it was woxen nyght, With preestes that hem cristned alle yfeere, And afterward, whan day was woxen light, Cecile hem seyde, with a ful stedefast cheere, "Now Cristes owene knyghtes, leeve and deere, Cast alle awey the werkes of derkness And armeth yow in armure of brightnesse.

And with that word, the arwes in the caas Of the goddesse clateren faste and rynge, And forth she wente, and made a vanysshynge, For which this Emelye astoned was, And seyde, "What amounteth this, allas!

And after soper pleyen he bigan, And spak of myrthe amonges othere thynges, Whan that we hadde maad our rekenynges, And seyde thus: "Now lordynges, trewely, Ye been to me right welcome hertely, For by my trouthe, if that I shal nat lye, I saugh nat this yeer so myrie a compaignye Atones in this herberwe, as is now.

And they hym sworen his axyng, faire and weel, And hym of lordship and of mercy preyde, And he hem graunteth grace, and thus he seyde: "To speke of roial lynage and richesse, Though that she were a queene or a princesse, Ech of you bothe is worthy doutelees To wedden whan tyme is, but nathelees I speke as for my suster Emelye, For whom ye have this strif and jalousye: Ye woot yourself, she may nat wedden two Atones, though ye fighten everemo!

And right anon his tale he hath attamed, And thus he seyde unto us everichon, This sweete preest, this goodly man sir John.

Valerian gan faste unto hire swere That for no cas, ne thyng that myghte be, He sholde nevere mo biwreyen here, And thanne at erst to hym thus seyde she, "I have an Aungel which that loveth me, That with greet love, wher so I wake or sleepe, Is redy ay my body for to kepe.

The aungel seyde, "God liketh thy requeste, And bothe with the palm of martirdom Ye shullen com unto his blisful feste.

The fyres brenden upon the auter brighte, That it gan al the temple for to lighte, And sweete smel the ground anon upyaf, And Arcita anon his hand uphaf, And moore encens into the fyr he caste, With othere rytes mo, and atte laste The statue of Mars bigan his hauberk rynge, And with that soun he herde a murmurynge, Ful lowe and dym, and seyde thus, `Victorie!

She blesseth hir, and with ful pitous voys Unto the croys of Crist thus seyde she, "O cleere, o welful auter, hooly croys, Reed of the lambes blood, ful of pitee, That wesshe the world fro the olde iniquitee, Me fro the feend and fro his clawes kepe, That day that I shal drenchen in the depe.

This knyght avyseth hym and sore siketh, But atte laste, he seyde in this manere: "My lady and my love, and wyf so deere, I put me in youre wise governance.

Thus day by day this child bigan to crye, Til in his fadres barm adoun it lay, And seyde, "Farewel, fader, I moot dye!

And therwithal, on knees doun he fil, And seyde, "Venus, if it be thy wil, Yow in this gardyn thus to transfigure Bifore me, sorweful wrecche creature, Out of this prisoun helpe that we may scapen!

Whan he endured hadde a yeer or two This crueel torment, and this peyne and woo, At Thebes in his contree, as I seyde, Upon a nyght in sleep as he hym leyde, Hym thoughte how that the wynged god Mercurie Biforn hym stood, and bad hym to be murie.

But atte laste, to tellen short and pleyn, The sergeantz of the toun of Rome hem soghte, And hem biforn Almache the Prefect broghte, Which hem opposed, and knew al hire entente, And to the ymage of Juppiter hem sente, And seyde, "Whoso wol nat sacrifise, Swap of his heed, this my sentence heer.