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setting foot

vb. (present participle of set foot English)

Usage examples of "setting foot".

The reality of actually setting foot on another world seemed to dispel whatever had been hanging over her, and her spirits revived.

Coarse black sand drifted and the winged ones warned of setting foot on the porous rock where domed bubbles could break under any weight and entrap man or beast in the hollow below.

No, young Flysse, you won't be setting foot outside until you've earned the privilege.

In a moment or two she would be setting foot on alien soil, one of the first Rallykx to do so since the Landing on Rallen.

Some minutes later Harriman had explained his notion for claiming the Moon ahead of setting foot on it.

Her stomach twisted at the thought of Bane involved in the hostelry's affairs, even of him setting foot inside its walls.

By the end of the first week's intensive planning, he knew rather more about Beninia than about most of the places he had lived in, without ever setting foot on its soil.

Officers assigned to the Brigade go through a whole battery of psychology courses before ever setting foot inside a Command Compartment.

These are the lands of Islam and we refuse to let foreign crusaders, pagans and pigs, from setting foot here!

She let no hint of her own delight at setting foot on a cruiser deck again slip past her guard.