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a. Very same; exactly the same. alt. Very same; exactly the same.

Usage examples of "self-same".

Because had he been upraised, and these self-same men had dispraised him, and with dispraise and scorn told the same things of him, I should never have been so inflamed and provoked to love him.

And yet if any creature had been guileless enough to intimate that his absorbing nine gallons of "straight" whiskey during our voyage was any fraction short of rigid or inflexible abstemiousness, in that self-same moment the old man would have spun him to the uttermost parts of the earth in the whirlwind of his wrath.

Even more astonished to find on the first page that the leading character was the self-same Lackwit whom he had seen Betterton impersonating on the stage of the Duke's Theatre.

Then the intruder pissed and shat on the cover of the Bordens' bed, knocked the clutter of this and that on the dresser to the floor, smashing everything, swept into Old Borden's dressing room there to maliciously assault the funeral coat as it hung in the moth-balled dark of his closet with the self-same nail scissors that had been used on the safe (the nail scissors now split in two and were abandoned on the closet floor), retired to the kitchen, smashed the flour crock and the treacle crock, and then scrawled an obscenity or two on the parlour window with the cake of soap that lived beside the scullery sink.

He was a trifle plumper in the cheek, a shade greyer in the whisker, but still the same joyful little bonhomme, rolling forward waving his cane with glad cries, fairly leaping up to embrace me and dam' near butting me under the chin, chattering nineteen to the dozen as he led me out to a fiacre, and not letting me get a word in until we were seated at the self-same table in Voisin's, when he had to leave off to attend to the ma'itre.

So great, new, and joyful ought it to appear to thee when thou comest to communion, as if on this self-same day Christ for the first time were descending into the Virgin's womb and becoming man, or hanging on the cross, suffering and dying for the salvation of mankind.

In the street, the people had collected around a bear which danced upon his hind legs, while the peasant who held the rope blew upon his bagpipe the self-same air which he had played Christmas, as Pifferaro, before the Madonna.

In the mornings she teaches arithmetic to his younger pupils, and afterward spends many hours at his bright-white shirtsleeve conjugating the self-same reflexive verbs—.

This seemed oddly familiar to the Colonel, and for long minutes he racked his brain until he recalled that he had seen the self-same bolt of cloth reproduced in a ukiyo-e print by Ando Hiroshige.

But then people had always been able to hold firmly to two contradictory ideas at the same time, as when once, in racing's past, Stewards, Press and public alike had vilified one brilliant trainer as "most crooked", and elected one great jockey as "most honest", blindly and incredibly ignoring that it was the self-same trusted jockey who for almost all of his career rode the brilliant trainer's horses.

However, I had recently paid the school a second visit and now remembered that the self-same Mandy Wilmott had been scratching away at her wild and woolly hair when I had sat in on her class to see if any improvements had been made.