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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Self-sacrificing \Self`-sac"ri*fi`cing\, a. Yielding up one's own interest, feelings, etc; sacrificing one's self.

  1. Making, or willing to make, a self-sacrifice. v

  2. (present participle of self-sacrifice English)


adj. willing to deprive yourself [syn: self-denying, self-giving]

Usage examples of "self-sacrificing".

IV A-HUNTING OF THE DEER If civilization owes a debt of gratitude to the self-sacrificing sportsmen who have cleared the Adirondack regions of catamounts and savage trout, what shall be said of the army which has so nobly relieved them of the terror of the deer?

Some impression was of course made by the agents of various charities, the guilds and settlements bravely strove at their posts, some of the churches kept their flags flying on the borders of the industrial districts, the Good Samaritans of the Fresh-air Fund were active, the public dispensaries did a thriving business, and the little band of self-sacrificing doctors, most of them women, went their rounds among the poor, the sick, and the friendless.

He was every inch the man she'd waited so long for, and now knew she loved--principled, self-sacrificing, brave and coolheaded in the face of danger.

The setting was classical, like much of colonial political theory, and told the story of a self-sacrificing republican martyr who perished in his opposition to Roman tyrannical rule.