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vb. (en-third-person singular of: select)

Usage examples of "selects".

The result is that over time this coupling selects or enacts from a world of randomness a domain of distinctions.

Aided by its police gang, the Committee of Public Safety itself selects the sixteen judges and sixty jurymen[122] from among the most servile, the most furious, or the most brutal of the fanatics:[123] Fouquier- Tinville, Hermann, Dumas, Payan, Coffinhal, Fleuriot-Lescot, and, lower down on the scale, apostate priests, renegade nobles, disappointed artists, infatuated studio-apprentices, journeymen scarcely able to write their names, shoemakers, joiners, carpenters, tailors, barbers, former lackeys, an idiot like Ganney, a deaf man like Leroy-Dix-Août.

And better still, if the empty term he selects is used in a contrary sense.

Then, according to his personal acquaintances, if he has any in the place, or according to the votes of the Committee of General Security, if he is a new-comer, he selects five or six of the "warmest sans-culottes" there, and, forming them into a Revolutionary Committee, installs them permanently at his side, sometimes in the same building, in a room next to his own, where, on lists or with verbal communications furnished to him, he works with a will and without stopping.

The Mouth of Olava selects - or rather the sand selects - the Seeing selects.

Her hands shake as she selects red this time, holds the lantern aloft for ten counted seconds before turning it off.

Biting his lip, Chapter Eleven selects an egg from the bowl, studies it, returns it.

In other words, on the basis of its autonomy the system selects or enacts a domain of significance" (Embodied mind, pp.

Thus Bittorio, on the basis of its autonomy (closure), performs an interpretation in the sense that it selects or brings forth a domain of significance out of the background of its random milieu.

He selects a place among the bushes, from where he can watch the house.

The other type of killer usually selects a particular type of victimnearly always of the opposite sex.

She studies the guard program carefully, selects a tool, and freezes the lock into immobility.

She reaches into her toolkit, selects a counterroutine and sets it loose, releases a second and a third copy as well to patrol the space between them.

He selects some object, token, or utterance, in harmony with his purpose, and uses it as a symbol to prefigure some moral action or result.

Harris says that “it needs no scientific investigation to show why he [the negro] selects as his hero the weakest and most harmless of all animals, and brings him out victorious in contests with the bear, the wolf, and the fox.