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vb. (context archaic English) (en-third-person singularsay)

Usage examples of "seith".

Tarran nodded to Seith, who looked as garish as the flowers in the field with his bright red tunic and deep blue cloak.

Yet, Seith did not understand why Tarran preferred the quiet of his own company and a few friends to a large household where someone was certain to say something that brought forth the memories he was trying to submerge where they never could be retrieved.

O matir, sowded to virginitee, Now maystow syngen, folwynge evere in oon The white lamb celestial-quod she- Of which the grete Evaungelsit Seint John In Pathmos wroot, which seith that they that goon Biforn this lamb and synge a song al newe, That never, fleshly, wommen they ne knewe.

I kan nat love a coward, by my feith, For certes, what so any womman seith, We alle desiren, if it myght bee, To han housbondes hardy, wise, and free, And secree, and no nygard, ne no fool, Ne hym that is agast of every tool, Ne noon avauntour.

Juvenal seith of poverte myrily, `The povre man, whan he goth by the weye, Bifore the theves he may synge and pleye.

And after this, biforn the heighe bord He with a manly voys seith his message, After the forme used in his langage, Withouten vice of silable or of lettre.

A yeer and moore lasted this blisful lyg, Til that the knyght of which I speke of thus, That of Kayrrud was cleped Arveragus, Shoop hym to goon, and dwelle a yeer or tweyne, In Engelond, that cleped was eek Briteyne, To seke in armes worship and honour- For al his lust he sette in swich labour- And dwelled there two yeer, the book seith thus.

Eek Plato seith, who so kan hym rede, The wordes moote be cosyn to the dede.

The Apostel wepying seith ful pitously, "Ther walken manye of whiche yow toold have I, I seye it now wepyng with pitous voys, That they been enemys of Cristes croys, Of whiche the ende is deeth, wombe is hir god.

He seith, he kan no difference fynde Bitwix a man that is out of his mynde, And a man which that is dronkelewe, But that woodnesse fallen in a shrewe Persevereth lenger than dooth dronkenesse.