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n. A sand dune that elongates parallel to the prevailing wind.


Usage examples of "seif".

He motioned for Liam and Seif, his two huge sons, to sit with us while his wife served us bowls of hot soup.

Beneath ice-glazed boulders and fir trees heavy with snow, Yuri and Wicent, and Liam, Seif, Haidar, Jinje and the other men of the Manwelina, had their sleds belly-up towards the still dark sky.

Liluye, Seif, Jaywe, and of course Liam - who say that you and your family should leave, too.

I apologized to Anala, Wicent, Seif and Liluye, all the women and men of the Manwelina.

Liam and Seif built six small stacks of aromatic pela wood around him and lit the mourning fires.

He was coughing and cursing, shaking his fist at Seif, staggering, stomping the snow like a wounded shagshay bull.

I said, and Seif must have been waiting for just such a slur because he reached back far behind his head and then whipped his hand forward.

Haidar, Wemilo, Seif, Jonath and Choclo stood on the blue whorls and crusts, watching us.

Beneath ice-glazed boulders and fir trees heavy with snow, Yuri and Wicent, and Liam, Seif, Haidal, Jinje and the other men of the Manwelina, had their sleds belly-up towards the still dark sky.

But I wanted the glory for my seif She lifted her gaze and met his eye.

Halef Seif, was worried about a friend of his, a shaman living near Lake Tirragen.

She wrote to Myles, Halef Seif, and Thom, although it would be weeks before she could hear from them.

Coram was working on his third cup of date wine when Halef Seif looked into the tent.

She was given the place on Halef Seif s right, with Coram beside her and Faithful settling down in front of her crossed legs.

They returned to collect the folded papers, and Halef Seif counted them.