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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Overall, the wedding was a sedate affair.
▪ Everybody downtown agreed that, if anything, Chicago had become even more sedate.
▪ She watched his black, angular figure move at a sedate, clerical pace, across the grass.
▪ So while a Hilfiger presentation can sometimes transform into an unruly party, a Nautica show remains sedate and serious.
▪ Still, I was fairly sedate compared to the man sitting a couple of seats away.
▪ The authors are intensely polite and agreeable, rendering the discussions somewhat rehearsed and far too sedate.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sedate \Se*date"\, a. [L. sedatus, p. p. of sedare, sedatum, to allay, calm, causative of sedere to sit. See Sit.] Undisturbed by passion or caprice; calm; tranquil; serene; not passionate or giddy; composed; staid; as, a sedate soul, mind, or temper.

Disputation carries away the mind from that calm and sedate temper which is so necessary to contemplate truth.
--I. Watts.

Whatsoever we feel and know Too sedate for outward show.

Syn: Settled; composed; calm; quiet; tranquil; still; serene; unruffled; undisturbed; contemplative; sober; serious. [1913 Webster] -- Se*date"ly, adv. -- Se*date"ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"treat with sedatives," 1945, a back-formation from the noun derivative of sedative (adj.). The word also existed 17c. in a sense "make calm or quiet." Related: Sedated; sedating.


"calm, quiet," 1660s, from Latin sedatus "composed, moderate, quiet, tranquil," past participle of sedare "to settle, calm," causative of sedere "to sit" (see sedentary). Related: Sedately.

  1. in a composed and temperate state. v

  2. to tranquilize by giving a sedative; to calm; to soothe; to induce sleep.

  1. adj. characterized by dignity and propriety [syn: staid]

  2. dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises; "a grave God-fearing man"; "a quiet sedate nature"; "as sober as a judge"; "a solemn promise"; "the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence" [syn: grave, sober, solemn]


v. cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to; "The patient must be sedated before the operation" [syn: calm, tranquilize, tranquillize, tranquillise] [ant: stimulate]

Usage examples of "sedate".

When the Balkan States attacked Turkey in 1911, in the advent of the First World War, the Italian Government shocked and alarmed the sedate world of those days by leaping across to Tripoli and beginning its conquest.

The three-year-old stud colt tugged at the bit, its muscles bunching with eagerness for a faster pace, but he maintained the sedate trot Jessy had set around the training pen.

First we sedate, using conventional cryogenic gasses, but then we flush it all out using a high-density energy plasma that is slightly altered Flux energy, and that stuff maintains the suspension for a sufficient time to digitize the subject.

Watching Dolce being sedated had shaken him badly, and later, explaining to Eduardo what had happened had not improved his state of mind.

Clement promised himself not a little amusement from the curiously sedate drollery of the venerable Deacon, who, it was plain from his conversation, had cultivated a literary taste which would make him a more agreeable companion than the common ecclesiastics of his grade in country villages.

It was a study in neoclassic elegance, monochromatic shades of sedate ecru and ivory.

The visitor was garbed in a neat, sedate style that, if anything, marked him as a member of the professional class.

Cyrus Harding, Gideon Spilett, and Pencroft followed with more sedate steps.

Her black hair was caught in a sedate twist at the nape of her neck, and she wore her black Stetson with a wide silver hatband low over her eyes, obscuring her face but revealing a defined jaw line.

In the early days, it offered a much more sedate and satisfactory homesite than Washington, so that it became the section of aristocracy, of First Families.

Cathedralthe Royal Palace, which hovered above the city, its walls of shimmering crystal shining in the heavens like a sedate and civilized sun.

I thought it best to keep you sedated while the osmotic eel cauterized your wound.

He was kept lightly sedated as the counter-virus was readministered and then allowed to wake.

As he climbed the worn stairs to his room the rays of the brilliant half-moon, beaming from the uncovered window, taunted his sedated mind with the rememberance of the past.

It has made him most unmanageable, so that we must keep him sedated most of the time.