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n. 1 A person who or animal that secretes (emits a bodily fluid). 2 A person who secretes comparatively large quantities of blood group antigens in their bodily fluids. 3 (context physiology English) A cell, tissue or organ such as a gland, that produces a bodily secretion.


n. any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream [syn: gland, secretory organ, secreter]

Usage examples of "secretor".

The semen on the shirt had been deposited by a secretor with blood group A.

It turns out the semen came from a secretor, so they could do a quick determination of blood type.

Her own people killed her, horribly, for betraying the secretor so the story goes.

The perp was a secretor, and from his sperm they determined he had AB blood.