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n. (plural of seafarer English)

Seafarers (ethnic groups)

Seafarers are the ethnic groups living by the sea in Southeast Asia, and also other sea-living ethnic groups in the world and throughout history.

In Southeast Asia, this ethnic group name refers to a subset of people in a large distribution area, reaching from the islands of Indonesia to Burma. These groups are sometimes known as Sea Gypsies.

Usage examples of "seafarers".

Wego seafarers took chaplains along much as they carried pickles: just in case.

Beneath, round the rude table, had sat fifty and more shaggy seafarers, each one entering the guarded door with the password for the night.

He had heard tales about such places from boastful old seafarers, but he had never expected to wind up in one on his maiden voyage.

All the seafarers stood transfixed with horror as the dawn breeze carried off the dust.

Clearly, the Pannion Domin was once a Genostel colonythe Genostelians were distant seafarers, my dear.