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The family name Scurfield appears to be of Old Norse, or Viking origin. “Scur” in Old English is “shower” as in rain. In Old Norse “skur” also carries the meaning shower, as in shower of rain, or a shower of arrows. The most likely origin of the surname Scurfield, therefore, is the name of an ancient field of battle.

The name Scurfield is unique and every Scurfield in the world should be able to trace the origin of their name to the County of Durham in north east England. It is not true that the surname Scurfield has evolved from the more common names of Scarfield, Scorefield, Schofield, or Scourfield. While it is still not certain from exactly where or when the name began, it is certain that if there has been any name transference, it has been the loss of the less common spelling of “Scurfield” towards the more common names of Scorefield or Scourfield. This is one of the reasons why the name Scurfield has remained unusual and scarce in the world.