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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Detectives scrutinized the area, looking for clues.
▪ The coach's assistants stood along the field and scrutinized every move we made.
▪ The Federal Trade Commission is scrutinizing the proposed merger of the two companies.
▪ But one thing is certain, they will be the most scrutinized players in franchise history.
▪ For example, unlike the United States, mergers should be very closely scrutinized.
▪ One by one, they scrutinized them, inside and out, and compared the left and the right hands.
▪ The Tests themselves have been carefully scrutinized for balance and consistency to ensure they are reliable time and time again.
▪ There were predictable objections from departments which did not want to have their own policy advice scrutinized by outside experts.
▪ This would carry with it a responsibility on their part to help devise the tests, or at least to scrutinize their content.
▪ We fussed over Janir, scrutinizing his every move and expression.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scrutinize \Scru"ti*nize\, v. i. To make scrutiny.


Scrutinize \Scru"ti*nize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scrutinized; p. pr. & vb. n. Scrutinizing.] [From Scrutiny.] To examine closely; to inspect or observe with critical attention; to regard narrowly; as, to scrutinize the measures of administration; to scrutinize the conduct or motives of individuals.

Whose votes they were obliged to scrutinize.

Those pronounced him youngest who scrutinized his face the closest.
--G. W. Cable.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1670s, from scrutiny + -ize. Related: Scrutinized; scrutinizing. Earlier verb was scrutine (1590s), from French.


vb. 1 (context transitive English) To examine something with great care. 2 (context transitive English) To audit accounts etc in order to verify them.

  1. v. to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail; "he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror" [syn: size up, take stock, scrutinise]

  2. of accounts and tax returns; with the intent to verify [syn: audit, scrutinise, inspect]

Usage examples of "scrutinize".

In the last few hours I have been scrutinizing individual files, and from the ranks of these alleged Proles I can bring you enough talent to rebuild the world.

Now that the American economy was in a recessionary spiral and inflation was soaring, Starik intended to present the scheme first to KGB Chairman Andropov and, if he approved it, to the secret Politburo Committee of Three that scrutinized intelligence operations.

Castlemont, and scrutinizing events taking place at Elktor, where Sir Gavlok, the youthful windvoice called Mattis, who had led the chase after Scarth, three other squires, and presumably the unscriable Deveron Austrey, seemed to be making preparations to leave the castle.

Then they smiled, linked hands, and walked around the table, taking their time scrutinizing Fergus and Tanny with obvious approval.

Each morning before he went to work, Boomer would stand in his driveway, hands on his hips, scrutinize the Airstream, and shake his head.

He had then had three dozen sets of running gear reduced to component parts, had had a pair of master wagonmakers scrutinize and test every wheel-rim spoke, axletree, singletree, doubletree, bolster, pole, and hub.

He scrutinized the works of Joseph Bramah, the greatest locksmith who ever lived.

In my dress whites, accompanied by the chief petty officer and a midshipman, I inspected each crew berth and its occupants, who stood at attention while I coldly scrutinized lockers, bunks, and men, liberally dispensing demerits for infractions.

When we consider how carefully each clause was discussed in the General Convention, and how closely each was scrutinized in the conventions of the several States, the conclusion can not be avoided that all was specified which it was intended to bestow, and not a few of the wisest in that day held that too much power had been conferred.

He turned over the couches, lifted the cushions, squeezed the pillows, flipped the coffee table, ran his hands along the back of every picture frame, examined the television, turned over the VCR, inspected every videotape, pulled apart the closet, checked the pockets of every coat, opened every umbrella, peeked into baseball gloves, peered into tennis-ball cans, looked behind the toilet, cleared out the refrigerator, picked through all the cabinets, lifted every appliance, emptied every drawer, scrutinized every lamp, and took apart every phone.

Galen with eyes still sharp, a scrutinizing gaze that had kept the dwarves of Clan Battlehammer ducking defensively out of sight for many, many decades.

I went down cautiously, hanging just under the boat for five minutes while I scrutinized the depths of the pool for those evil dark shapes, and then finning down quietly.

He called a general assembly of the oldest and wisest men of Cuzco and other parts, who with much diligence scrutinized and examined the histories and antiquities of the land, principally of the Incas and their forefathers.

These two began presently to scrutinize the characters of the several young girls who lived in any of those houses, and at last fixed their strongest suspicion on one Jenny Jones, who, they both agreed, was the likeliest person to have committed this fact.

Rowan scrutinized all the rostros, hoping to see Jura, but it was not.