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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The years of being branded impulsive, scatterbrained, too idealistic rushed back to mock her.

a. 1 Having the qualities of a scatterbrain. 2 absent-minded, forgetful, distractable.

  1. adj. lacking sense or discretion; "his rattlebrained crackpot ideas"; "how rattlepated I am! I've forgotten what I came for"- Glenway Westcott [syn: rattlebrained, rattlepated, scatty]

  2. absent-mindedly irresponsible; "he said I was too flighty to be a good supervisor" [syn: flighty, head-in-the-clouds]

Usage examples of "scatterbrained".

The rational mind has difficulty in accepting the fact that they were not untutored half-wits, scatterbrained spinsters or callow adolescents, but the solidest of citizens, often with good education and considerable means doctors, lawyers, weavers, carpenters, journalists, chemists and businessmen.

In this time of danger, why waste time dealing with scatterbrained little gnomes who, quite frankly, were rather unpleasant in large quantities?

It was not a business for greedy amateurs or scatterbrained lazy good-for-nothings who refused to work for a living.

Queen Layla gushed at him, putting on her most helpless and scatterbrained expression, "please do sit down.

This ninetysomething Frenchwoman who is no blood relative, who was in years past the love of his scatterbrained grandfather's life, seems the least likely person to be trying to manipulate him, at least in such an unwelcome and intimate manner.