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sash cord

n. a strong cord connecting a sash weight to a sliding sash [syn: sash line]

Usage examples of "sash cord".

Joe had gone plodding over to a hardware store to buy a hank of sash cord.

He offered to repair a broken sash cord in one of the Tynmore windows in exchange for two voice lessons for Francie.

Johnny, who had never even seen a sash cord in all his life, got a hammer and screw driver and took the whole window frame out of its case.

Both were strangled with a sash cord and bludgeoned post-mortem with a bumperjack found in the back seat.

A broken sash cord hangs down one side of the window pane as it did when he first came to the room.

A dusty book on Houdini in the window, opened to the page discussing the type of sash cord he preferred to use in his routines.

She was dead, a sash cord pulled around her neck, her face purplish, eyes bulging from their sockets.

Then he discovered that his wrists and ankles were tied with sash cord.

Roped to a wooden arm chair with a dozen turns of sash cord, Blondel looked around at the granite features of Blackwish, Maxwell, and two anonymous heavies with impact-thickened ears and fine scars on the cheekbones.