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n. 1 (context pluralonly English) A place where salt is refined and prepared commercially. 2 (context figuratively pluralonly English) A job, usually considered boring drudgery.


n. a plant where salt is produced commercially

Usage examples of "saltworks".

Domination, this display would have been considered disgraceful even for convicts on their way to the prison-mines of the Ituri jungles or the saltworks of Kashgar, the last sink-holes for incorrigibles.

But the coral block building, once part of the old saltworks, which his father had turned into a combined laboratory and home, was on the cliffs.

Gray-white crystals gathered not only in the beds of the old saltworks but about the trunks of the trees, at the roots of shrubs, and lay in crusts on the thin soil.

And I could not get salt, even with saltworks right in New Jersey at Egg Harbor.