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salsa verde

n. A cold green Italian sauce made with parsley, vinegar, capers, garlic, onion, anchovy, olive oil, and sometimes mustard.

Salsa verde (Mexico)

Salsa verde is a type of spicy green sauce in Mexican cuisine. It is based on mexican green tomato or tomatillo and chili pepper.

This green sauce comes in subtypes: cooked sauce, in which the ingredients are cooked and then ground; roasted salsa, in which the elements are roasted on a comal and then ground; raw sauce, in which ingredients are ground raw, ready to eat; and a combination in which some elements are roasted and other cooked. A molcajete or a blender can be used for the grinding process. After the sauce is prepared, it can be cooked again in a pan with little oil.

It is used to prepare traditional Mexican foods, in a mild spicy level for enchiladas and pork rinds, or more spicy for antojitos such as tacos and quesadillas.