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n. (context fencing English) A fencer who fights with a sabre.


Usage examples of "sabreur".

Among the pillars at the top of the steps lingered a dozen or so young men in the gold and purple livery of the Household Sabreurs, complete with flamboyant purple cloaks and gold-hilted swords.

Possibly de Roget had been banished from court in disgrace, but Arkell assumed there were more Sabreurs in the offing.

The Sabreurs were sons of great houses, whose forebears had borne arms for at least four generations.

The four Sabreurs are all of the bluest possible blood, sons of great landowning families.

His fellow Sabreurs had pretended not to notice, Beau and Arkell knew Oak too well, and lesser men dared not jeer openly at a Blade.

Ker or one of the beaux sabreurs of the local medical community decided to become your patron .

Also, what he said about Pfyfe would have verified the case against that Beau Sabreur, if you had happened to suspect him, eh, what?

So there I was, in '42, big, bluff, handsome Harry, beloved of London society, admired at the Horse Guards (although I was only a captain), possessed of a beautiful wife, apparently affluent, seen in the best company, gushed at by the mamas, respected by the men as the perfect beau sabreur.

As so often in the past, I was the victim of my own glorious and entirely unearned reputation - Flashy, the hero of Jallalabad, the last man out of the Kabul retreat and the first man into the Balaclava battery, the beau sabreur of the Light Cavalry, Queen's Medal, Thanks of Parliament, darling of the mob, with a liver as yellow as yesterday's custard, if they'd only known it.

They looked at each other, blushing and respectful in the presence of the celebrated beau sabreur.