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Usage examples of "ryne".

When Ryne sought help, frightened neighbors and even threshold-kin turned him away.

Jadjeelans in the settlements, Ryne endured much during these years, and everything he suffered made him hate his conquerors more bitterly.

The fisherman, who knew him by sight, asked Ryne to guard his catch while he summoned friends from shore.

The little man clambered down, dropped lightly into the boat, and without a word to Ryne began to pick over the catch.

The Quiplid switched the knife to his uninjured hand and drove Ryne back with quick, throat-high slashes.

Quiplid ducked for the low slash that would cripple him, Ryne swung the gaff hard.

When he had recovered sufficiently to talk, Ryne asked them what they had done.

Thanks to his hungry prowling through the settlements, Ryne knew a great deal about these things, and his answers seemed to satisfy them.

And if they did return to the settlements, and Ryne was recognized, they would all die.

But could he really have meant to say that Ryne would help drive off the invaders?

Perhaps Thone meant that Ryne would somehow help persuade the invaders to treat his people less harshly, or to leave them and return to the forest.

Tired as he was, Ryne lay awake for a long time, staring up at their cold beauty.

Thone gripped his head and shoulder, twisted, and again Ryne heard the cracking noise.

But when she began removing the contents of the niche thus revealed, Ryne was astonished.

While Ryne stared at this wonder, Thone picked up a reddish block, twisted it in his hands, and set it down.