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run back

vb. 1 To take someone home by car. give a lift to their house. 2 To rewind a film or cassette

Usage examples of "run back".

He kept our feet on the smoothest part of the road, and if the uphill was very long, he set the carriage wheels a little across the road, so as not to run back, and gave us a breathing.

Bartle kept his eye on the moving figure till it passed into the darkness, while Vixen, in a state of divided affection, had twice run back to the house to bestow a parenthetic lick on her puppies.

Then if she heard either of us coming, she would just run back and jump into her chair and pretend she had been there all the time.

Turka waited for what seemed an eternity, and had about decided to run back to his village to get more witnesses when activity on the other side resumed.

The figures and letters would bump against the perimeter of the screen, fumble for a moment as if lost in the wilderness, and then run back into the center of the information field, where they would vanish with tiny squeals.

All the mud is run back, sometimes over a mile from the river bank, where it is used as a fertilizer, by means of wire railways strung from poles.

They were just as likely to run back to New Jersey as throw themselves between the Posleen and civilians.

As soon as the bigger ones stopped, the smaller had begun to run back.