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n. (plural of rookie English)

Rookies (manga)

is a Japanese shōnen manga written and illustrated by Masanori Morita. The series was featured on Weekly Shōnen Jump during its original run from 1998 to 2003. The manga has been adapted into a television series which was broadcast on Tokyo Broadcasting System between April 19, 2008 and July 26, 2008. The series was later released on DVD by TC Entertainment, and the soundtrack released on June 28, 2008. The finale of the TV series was in the form of a film, called which premiered on Japanese cinemas on May 31, 2009.

Rookies is the story of an amateur teacher, Koichi Kawato, who is faced with the challenge of guiding a high school baseball club composed of delinquents. The students are wary of him and often threaten Kawato, but he refuses to abandon them and continuously speaks highly of recognizing their dreams. Eventually, the team is assembled and they dedicate their time to achieve their dream of going to the Koshien.

Rookies (TV series)

Rookies is a reality television series which aired on the A&E television network. The show follows the training periods of rookie police officers in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana and Tampa, Florida as they train on the beat with their Field Training Officers (FTO) for their first 12 weeks. The episodes include rookie mistakes, training sessions by veteran officers, and final evaluations. Rookies debuted on October 21, 2008 and ended in May 2009.

Rookies (film)

Rookies is a 1927 comedy film, released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer starring Karl Dane and George K. Arthur.

Set in World War I, an entertainer named Greg Lee, played by George K. Arthur gets drafted as a private and gets pitted against a tough Drill Sergeant Diggs, played by Karl Dane. Private Lee does everything he can to annoy Sergeant Diggs thinking it will get him thrown out of the Army. Both men have their sights set on the pretty Betty Wayne played by Marceline Day and the two men find themselves set adrift in a reconnaissance balloon. Because of the popularity of this film this would be the first of several collaborations between the two actors.

A film preserved by MGM. A trailer exists at the Library of Congress.

Usage examples of "rookies".

The two reinforcing squadrons would go a long way toward evening the odds, but half the starfighter pilots were rookies who couldn't be expected to hold their own against the Yuuzhan Vong, and the experienced pilots would be distracted by having to look after them.

She wanted her squadron in single file because it was easier for the rookies to keep up.

At least her rookies hadn't blown her tail off, which under these conditions had to count as a success.

The rookies needed much more training before they'd have a chance of surviving against the Yuuzhan Vong, and she wouldn't be there to supervise it.

I've got eleven other pilots in my squadron to look after, and half of them are rookies, and if I don't beat them to pieces in training, the Vong arc going to blow them to pieces in combat.

Her six rookies were now proud veterans, all with kills to their credit.

Jaina's own rookies had been blooded, but they'd been blooded in battles where great pains had been taken to assure only victory.

Like Paul McLanahan, Tom Chandler had been one of the department’s hot young rookies when he came on the force twenty-five years ago.

Sacramento Police Department uniforms, especially for rookies, are as plain as can be, but on his little brother it looked as sharp as a tuxedo.

McLanahan didn’t seem to be cocky, but it was always best to nail the rookies on one or two uniform items just to keep them from thinking that their shit didn’t stink.

The department usually took weeks to schedule that class, so the rookies had to absorb as much as they could about the complicated system as they went along.

Whatever this crop of rookies had been before they got here, it was Brandy's job to make them into legionnaires.

Now he was pitting raw rookies against Gambolts, the most respected fighters known.

He could see the astronauts at the graveside, the row of them, rookies and veterans alike, all with their heads turned up to the jets.

The Atlanta Eagles had begun summer training and the rookies were reporting.