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Robotomy is an American animated television series created by Michael Buckley and Joe Deasy for Cartoon Network. The series revolves around Thrasher and Blastus, two teenage outcast robots who enter high school at their home planet Insanus. It was produced by World Leaders Entertainment in New York (in association with Cartoon Network Studios), and co-executively produced by Christy Karacas, co-creator of Superjail!.

The series was the result of numerous failed pitches to the network by the creators. Production proved difficult for World Leaders, who were simultaneously working on The Venture Bros. The series premiered on October 25, 2010 on Cartoon Network. The network marketed it to an older demographic, as the channel was attempting to blend its Adult Swim brand with its primary youth demographic. It saw its finale on January 24, 2011 after ten episodes, and is the shortest-running original series on the network.