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n. (plural of reveler nodot=yes English), the US spelling of (term reveller English).

Usage examples of "revelers".

Not so entertaining were shadowy figures at the edge of the masses of revelers: blowsy drunken creatures, beggars with hideous purple scars, whining their pleas.

Some of the morning revelers slipped away, others reclaimed their places in line with subdued faces.

If you desire a few moments' privacy to catch your breath, I will try to keep the revelers away.

Her sheltering garb did not single her out, for many of the revelers were similarly clad—the winds blew straight off the river that day, and the air was crisp and chill.

Some of the revelers crept away in pairs to seek the shadows beyond the flickering firelight.

Beyond the delicate metal filigree I could see the throngs of revelers and another wing of the building.

The revelers below the wagon draw their blades and charge as I skip away from Toa-Sytelland Ma'elKoth's arms reach toward me within Ihe net.

Deofad could still be seen down there, his blade scattering gouts of molten steel that it cut from the lancers' armorbut the lancers charged, spearing Subjects and mock revelers alike.

The streets became more densely jammed with drinking, dope-smoking revelers as she approached Times Square, which was almost as crowded as it is on New Year's Eve.

Only the hardiest revelers were left to cry up the dawn, or the least hardiest who had passed out-or worse-and were lying like abandoned rag dolls in the street.

Some of the older revelers drifted off more sedately, but the young went racing through the night like furious fish chasing each other to eat—or be eaten.

Most of the revelers were floating aloft now, drifting down occasionally to take in refresh­ments.

Those who wish to speak can­didly with each other or with the Coronal, or to choose new consorts for an evening, often arrive now, when revelers are few and rather less wine has been con­sumed than will be the case later.

When menaced by the swords of some of the revelers he teleported away.