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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Already Fitch's new headquarters is reputedly worth the £13 million it cost to buy and convert.
▪ His wife, reputedly to his fury, once sat on the bonnet of one and scratched its paintwork.
▪ If so, then Social Darwinism would work just as selectively in government where the bureaucratic struggle is reputedly severe.
▪ Pierry derives its name from a stratum of flint in the subsoil which reputedly gives its wine a marked flinty taste.
▪ Some, uncharitably, have suggested the railways, particularly as his last book reputedly didn't sell so well.
▪ The situation is that of the outsider meeting the pleasures of a different, reputedly splendid civilization.
▪ The two actors reputedly almost came to blows and ended the film not talking to each other.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Reputedly \Re*put"ed*ly\ (r?-p?t"?d-l?), adv. In common opinion or estimation; by repute.


adv. According to repute or general belief.


adv. by repute; according to general belief; "fish with reputedly poisonous flesh"

Usage examples of "reputedly".

But there was absolutely nothing, not a trace, of the war that reputedly had changed Brushy Jim forever.

Reputedly, there was enough gratitude among the merchants and tradesfolk to cause them to pay the young couple a handsome stipend.

Waels of Wellas and certain Dohobay tribes are reputedly hybrid races.

Graevis Chilichunk, the barkeep and proprietor of Fellowship Way, reputedly the finest inn in all the great city of Palmaris.

On the table next to him stood a bottle of what appeared to be Belgravian whisky, reputedly the best in the Empire.

But defeating what was reputedly the priciest yacht in the world was the sweetest of victories.

Reputedly, Allard was an explorer who had spent long years in Guatemala, ruling a remote tribe of Xinca Indians.

It was no wonder the cities reputedly festered with asocial, deviate, and criminal behavior.

Born as Maggie Oaks in Bermondsey, resplendent later as Margaretta Olivera in a place of honour in the nuder tableaux of the Follies, she had furred her nest with a notable collection of skins, both human and animal, up to the time when she met and married Count Jannowicz, a Polish boulevardier of great age and reputedly fabulous riches.

Willy Snakespeare was a man who reputedly did nothing but talk and live with two boa constrictors named Laverne and Surly.

Rome, reputedly the most splendid educational institution within the jurisdiction of the Church.

He recognized in the group a stillsuit manufacturer down from Carthag, an electronics equipment importer, a water-shipper whose summer mansion was near his polar-cap factory, a representative of the Guild Bank (lean and remote, that one), a dealer in replacement parts for spice mining equipment, a thin and hard-faced woman whose escort service for off-planet visitors reputedly operated as cover for various smuggling, spying, and blackmail operations.

This link with the gone-before of the airspheres’ builders was reputedly the reason that all the hegemonising and invasive species - not to mention the unashamedly nosy species, such as the Culture - who had encountered the airspheres had thought the better of trying to take them over (or study them too closely).

These were not the romantic and reputedly chivalrous highwaymen of Britain's post roads in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

This link with the gone-before of the airspheres' builders was reputedly the reason that all the hegemonising and invasive species - not to mention the unashamedly nosy species, such as the Culture - who had encountered the airspheres had thought the better of trying to take them over (or study them too closely).