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n. (plural of registry English)

Usage examples of "registries".

The voter fraud law required all 67 counties to purge voter registries of duplicate registrations, deceased voters and felons, many of whom, but not all, are barred from voting in Florida.

The laudable aim is to rid registries of the names of the dead, as well as of felons and others legally barred from voting.

It would take many hours, perhaps days, to carry out this type of investigation, and private vessels, unless fully insured, would show up neither in official registries nor in those of the major marine-insurance companies.

On November 7, 2000, tens of thousands of eligible Florida voters were wrongly prevented from casting their ballots—some purged from the voter registries and others blocked from registering in the first instance.

Because of their commitment to hoarding every scrap of information, including old phone books and corporate registries, he now knew the identity of the person who had murdered his parents.

He had recently learned from Galveston that there was no vessel listed in naval or coast guard registries under the name Tiburon.