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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
  1. 1 Having had one's name added to an official list or entered into a register 2 (context mail service English) Having a mail item recorded in a register to enable its location to be tracked, sometimes with added insurance to cover loss. v

  2. (en-past of: register)

  1. adj. (of animals) officially recorded with or certified by a recognized breed association; especially in a stud book; "a registered Percheron" [ant: unregistered]

  2. listed or recorded officially; "record is made of `registered mail' at each point on its route to assure safe delivery"; "registered bonds" [ant: unregistered]

  3. (of a boat or vessel) furnished with necessary official documents specifying ownership etc


Registered may refer to:

  • Registered mail, letters, packets or other postal documents considered valuable and in need of a chain of custody
  • Registered trademark symbol, symbol ® that provides notice that the preceding is a trademark or service mark

Usage examples of "registered".

A cup of tea had more caffeine, and the traces of tryptophan and anandamide were so small they barely registered.

Science Fiction, Analog Science Fiction 6 Fact, The Magazine of Fantasy 6, Science Fiction, and Science Fiction Age all registered the lowest circulation figures in their respective histories.

The maximum rise of pressure recorded was registered at Halifax, the self-recording barographs showing that the pressure rose over six centimetres in less than five minutes.

Suppose Society to grant the privacy for a time, asking in return from every registered laboratory and from every experimenter, the completest reports of all experiments upon animals.

Chinese arriving at Manilla are registered in a book kept for the purpose, for, as they pay tribute according to their occupation, the amount of it, and their numbers, are at once ascertained from that.

Instead we continued to submerge until the manometer registered forty feet and then I knew that we were safe.

But we have attempted to include every Greek temple known to have had pediment-figures or sculptured metopes or frieze, and have thus, for the sake of completeness, registered some examples which are valueless for the main question.

Each location from which a satellite registered a bolt being fired went into the data base as a point to be hit not now--the snipers would have tele ported away--but at a future date when a Molt prepared to fire from the same known position.

He could see that something in his tone, the overarching sadness, had registered with his son.

George Platen had headed firmly in one direction, that of Registered Computer Programmer.

However, when the polygrapher, Norm Matzke, started to attach the leads of the machine that would register blood pressure, respiration, galvanic skin response, and heart rate, he could see that Arne Kaarsten was much too nervous and emotionally upset for his responses to be registered and evaluated accurately.

He was Prime Predictor because the prophesies he had registered in the Archives as a youth had been more accurate than the vision of any other Kaiel.

Then, with a strengthy fling of his arm, he hurled the precious bag of registered mail over the rim of the precipice, far down into the canyon, two hundred feet below.

The tubes were filled with Air, kept warmed to perfect superfluidity by the reservoirs around them, and so capable of transmitting without loss the small temperature fluctuations which human ears registered as sound.

They had both registered at Synergistic Connections to confirm that their mutual choice was a good one.