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n. (plural of quark English)

Usage examples of "quarks".

Although it would be hard to explain the properties of a tornado in terms of the physics of electrons and quarks, I see this as a matter of calculational impasse, not an indicator of the need for new physical laws.

The elementary particles of the standard model have a very limited assortment of electric charges: The quarks and antiquarks have electric charges of one-third or two-thirds, and their negatives, while the other particles have electric charges of zero, one, or negative one.

The strong force, which keeps quarks locked up inside of protons and neutrons, arises from individual quarks exchanging gluons.

Each family contains two of the quarks, an electron or one of its cousins, and one of the neutrino species.

But will we ever realize the promise of the theory fully and, for example, calculate the masses of the quarks or the strength of the electromagnetic force, numbers whose precise values dictate so much about the universe?

These oscillations can, in turn, affect the motion of charged particles, such as the quarks of which protons and neutrons are made.

The answer is simply that neutrons are composed of quarks whose charges cancel out.

So sing their praises, he went on, ancient gods of quarks and galaxies, as well as the sky, the sea, and the mountains, the fire, the wind, and the burgeoning earth.

This has been inevitable since the minute we figured out how to break up quarks en masse without a cyclotron.