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putting on

vb. (present participle of put on English)

Usage examples of "putting on".

I was shamed into putting on a dressing-gown and, when I entered our sitting-room, I found Hilda, armed with an umbrella, prepared to repel invaders.

The horses are putting on flesh, even as hard as we're working them.

He complied grumpily, aware that he must not let his anger show through, yet incapable of putting on a cheerful expression.

He stopped at the door, faced with the choice of keeping his good hat on or putting on his usual safety helmet.

Then in the back, way in the back, he found a fringed shirt he used to wear before he'd started putting on that weight.

He had just undressed and was putting on his pyjamas when he became aware that something extremely large and powered by an enormous diesel engine appeared to be making its way up his drive.

He replaced it with a white lab coat, a white baker's cap, and then started putting on thin latex gloves.

They began putting on the white suits and the aprons which marked them as simple marine grocery deliverymen.

Moichi lost sight of him, then, putting on a burst of speed, found him again.

Bill could see that the little lizard was visibly growing, its crinkly skin stretching to accommodate the newly acquired bulk that the little reptile was putting on.