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purplish blue

n. a shade of blue tinged with purple [syn: royal blue]

Usage examples of "purplish blue".

The flowers are of a purplish blue, crowded into a spike formed of about six or more rings of whorls, generally six flowers in a whorl.

The flowers are placed three or four together in the axils of the upper leaves, which often have a purplish tint and are two-lipped, of a bright purplish blue, with small white spots on the lower lip, or more rarely white or pink and open early in April.

Dalamar saw Kitiara shiver, he saw the wounds upon her body turning a purplish blue.

She's kindly, though, perhaps seeing that Graice Courtney's fingers have gone virtually blue at the tips, the nails a ghoulish purplish blue with cold, fear, low blood pressure.

Scraped and worn by the wind from the spectacular copper cliffs and valleys of Pyrassis, dunes a hundred meters high marched eastward in banded tones of dark green and purplish blue, fervid orange and pink and red.