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public knowledge

n. knowledge that is available to anyone [syn: general knowledge]

Public Knowledge
''Not to be confused with Public Knowledge Project, a non-profit.

Public Knowledge is a non-profit Washington, D.C.-based public interest group that is involved in intellectual property law, competition, and choice in the digital marketplace, and an open standards/ end-to-end internet.

Usage examples of "public knowledge".

Among the six others now lost to public knowledge were the two Valdemar considered the most abominable of the god-forged weapons, Soulcutter and the Mindsword.

Make it more or less public knowledge, and talk it up so that the Pirate may think there's a real haul on board.

He could at least check the obvious, simple things, and find out what there was already in the realm of public knowledge concerning the secret he had taken from the dying boy.