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adv. In a prissy manner; in a manner that is excessively prim or proper.


adv. in a prissy manner; "the new teacher alienates the children by behaving prissily" [syn: primly]

Usage examples of "prissily".

The telephone was ringing when she got there, ringing with a kind of dogged petulance, its arms prissily folded.

The model was seated on a posing stool with her left breast and buttock cleft prissily draped by a lavender-hued towel that clashed badly with the skin colour.

He wanted to use his fists on the prissily dressed man and see that fine, aristocratic nose flatten and splatter blood over the frilly satin shirt.

Helga remarked prissily, when what she felt was elation that the man just might recover, after all.

He was gray-haired and pale and frail, fussy and fidgety of manner, prissily dressed in mauve silks.

Yet both of them were speaking learnedly of meteors, prissily drawing the distinction between meteor and meteorite, smothering any anxiety in a torrent of comforting verbiage.

The child there was snub-nosed, dimpled and too prissily dear to be believed.

The driver thanked him prissily for the instructions and followed them.