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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
primary health care
▪ A member of the primary health care team has now been designated liaison officer and all messages are passed to her.
▪ Governments all over the world have advocated primary health care without taking it seriously.
▪ It could lead to the dilution and fragmentation of the strengths and skills of the primary health care team.
▪ My family health services authority is making plans to establish its own primary health care research ethics committee.
▪ Professional development and postgraduate training in primary health care could be a useful adjunct in improving quality.
▪ Secondly, general practitioners and primary health care teams are the first point of contact for users of the health service.
▪ The front-line members of these teams are local women recruited and trained to provide primary health care to their villages.
▪ There may also be inter-professional tensions, as well as intra-professional ones, for example in the case of primary health care teams.
primary health care

n. health care that is provided by a health care professional in the first contact of a patient with the health care system

Primary Health Care (magazine)

Primary Health Care is a professional magazine, published 10 times a year by the RCNi, part of the Royal College of Nursing group. It publishes news, features, and clinical articles relevant to the practice of community health nursing in the United Kingdom. It is available in print or digital format.

The magazine was established in 1982. It is indexed by the British Nursing Index and CINAHL and available through most online aggregators as well as from the publisher.

In 2014 it had an average circulation of over 7,150.