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n. (obsolete form of power English)

Usage examples of "powre".

For in this late Battaile in Mellicafhaz Sea hath the whole powre of Wychlande on the sea been beat downe and ruwyned, and the highe Admirall of our whole Navie loste and ded and the names of the great men of accownte that were slayen at the battaile I may not numbre nor the common sorte much lesse by reaisoun that the more part were dround in the sea which came not to Syght.

And on the iv daie hadd notise of a gret powre and strengtht cumming at me from sowth out of Owleswyke to assaille mee in Grunda.

And in the middest of them this renowned and famous Queene in great pompe and vnspeakeable statelynes, and the hemmes of hir vestures so edged and set with pearle and stone, as if nature had rayned and powred them down vpon hir.

Be you before these rebalds and obstynates of Demounlande in their Prowd Attempts to strike at Wychlande and so purchas their Frenshyp who it is verie sertan will in powre invintiable stand before Carsee or ever Wychlande shall have time to putt you downe.

I wyll the as holdynge the place of My generalle ther, that thow enter forcybly ynto the sayd cuntrie and doe with al dilygence spoyl ravysche and depopulate that lande, enslavying oppressyng and puttyng to the dethe as thow shalt thynke moost servychable al them that shal fall ynto thy powre, and in pertyculer pullyng downe and ruinating all thayr stronge houlds or castels, as Galinge, Dreppabie, Crothryng, Owleswyke, and othere.

Within the which was put all such necessaries perfumed, as were meete and conuenient for the chaunging of the tables, as clothes, flowers, cuppes, towelles, and vesselles, to powre out of, to drinke in, and plates to eate vpon.

The Queen whilest shee did wash her handes, one that caried the golden bason, receyued therin the water, that it might not fall agayne into the reassuming fountaine: and the other with the Ewrie, powred in as much sweete water as was borne away, because that the fountaine shoulde not be emptie, and hyndered in hys course.

Hee asked me the cause of our comming, I tolde him being in fight with the Spaniards our enemie, being over powred, neare put to retreat, and by extreme weather put to this shore, where landing at Chesipiack, the people shot us, but at Kequoughtan they kindly used us, wee by signes demaunded fresh water, they described us up the River was all fresh water, at Paspahegh, also they kindly used us, our Pinnasse being leake wee were inforced to stay to mend her, till Captain Newport my father came to conduct us away.

Alabaster boxe of oyntment of spikenard very precious, and shee brake the boxe, and powred it on his head.

And my deuoute prayer, sincerely vnited to a contrite heart, powring out a fountaine of teares with a stedfast beliefe to be deliuered.

Soone as she heard the name of Artegall,Her hart did leape, and all her hart-strings tremble,For sudden ioy, and secret feare withall,And all her vitall powres with motion nimble,To succour it, themselues gan there assemble,That by the swift recourse of flushing bloodRight plaine appeard, though she it would dissemble,And fayned still her former angry mood,Thinking to hide the depth by troubling of the flood.

Long while he tug'd and stroue, to get it out,And all his powre applyed thereunto,That he therewith the knight drew all about:Nathlesse, for all that euer he could doe,His axe he could not from his shield vndoe.

Kings Queenes, Lords Ladies, Knights & Damzels gentWere heap'd together with the vulgar sort,And mingled with the raskall rablement,Without respect of person or of port,To shew Dan Cupids powre and great effort:And round about a border was entrayld,Of broken bowes and arrowes shiuered short,And a long bloudy riuer through them rayld,So liuely and so like, that liuing sence it fayld.

So trauelling, he chaunst far off to heedA Damzell, flying on a palfrey fastBefore two Knights, that after her did speedWith all their powre, and her full fiercely chastIn hope to haue her ouerhent at last:Yet fled she fast, and both them farre outwent,Carried with wings of feare, like fowle aghast,With locks all loose, and rayment all to rent.

Thus goe they both together to their geare,With like fierce minds, but meanings different:For the proud Souldan with presumpteous cheare,And countenance sublime and insolent,Sought onely slaughter and auengement:But the braue Prince for honour and for right,Gainst tortious powre and lawlesse regiment,In the behalfe of wronged weake did fight:More in his causes truth he trusted then in might.