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portable toilet

n. An outdoor toilet, usually referring to temporary facilities which are installed as additional restrooms at construction sites, special events, parks, etc.

Portable toilet

A portable toilet (also called a mobile toilet) is a movable toilet used in a variety of situations, for example in urban slums of developing countries, at festivals, for camping, or on boats. One well-known type of portable toilets are chemical toilets, but other types exist as well, such as urine-diversion dehydration toilets, composting toilets, bucket toilets, freezing toilets and incineration toilets.

A portable toilet is not connected to a hole in the ground (like a pit latrine), nor to a septic tank, nor is it plumbed into a municipal system leading to a sewage treatment plant; it can, by definition, be picked up and moved. Some portable toilets can be carried by one person, as in the main image, whereas others need heavy lifting equipment such as a truck and winch.