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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
wear your hair long/in a ponytail etc (=have that style of hair)
▪ He wore his hair in a ponytail.
▪ But her caramel hair was lighter than Mitchell recalled, and drastically shorter, banded into a cool ponytail.
▪ He is a dandy-looking dude too, with slick black ponytail and, always, a full-length mink coat.
▪ He reaches the ball a step ahead of an agile sprite named Molly, whose ponytail flows behind her baseball cap.
▪ His hair was thinning on top but he had a small ponytail at the back.
▪ It's also intriguing that with her new ponytail Kylie looks more like Neighbours' Charlene than at any time since 1987.
▪ Primo looks at her, at her smile, at the small fountain of hair that is her ponytail.
▪ She had scraped her hair back from her forehead and tied it in a ponytail with a pink ribbon.
▪ She often showed up late for class, and she chewed gum and tossed her ponytail and whispered and giggled with Servio.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

long hair style, originally of girls, 1950, from pony (n.) + tail (n.).


alt. A hairstyle where the hair is pulled back and tied into a single "tail" which hangs down behind the head. n. A hairstyle where the hair is pulled back and tied into a single "tail" which hangs down behind the head.


n. a hair style that draws the hair back so that it hangs down in back of the head like a pony's tail


To make a ponytail, some, most or all of the hair on the head is pulled away from the face, gathered and secured at the back of the head with a hair tie, clip, or other similar device and allowed to hang freely from that point. It gets its name from its resemblance to the undocked tail of a horse or pony. Ponytails are most commonly gathered at the middle of the back of the head, or the base of the neck. Depending on fashions, they may also be worn at the side of the head (which is sometimes considered formal) which is worn over one ear, or on the very top of the head (allowing the hair to fall down the back or one side of the head).

If the hair is divided so that it hangs in two sections they are called "ponytails" or bunches, if left loose, and pigtails, plaits or braids if plaited. Unbraided ponytails worn above each ear are sometimes called dog-ears.

It is common for those who wear tight ponytails to experience traction alopecia, a form of hair loss. Sometimes it can cause a headache.

Ponytail (band)

Ponytail was a 4-piece art rock band formed in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. The group featured vocalist Willy Siegel, guitarists Dustin Wong and Ken Seeno, and drummer Jeremy Hyman. The band has toured internationally, with bands such as Battles, Hella, Don Caballero, High Places and others. They have released three albums, Kamehameha, Ice Cream Spiritual, and Do Whatever You Want All The Time. They were named "Best Live Band" by Baltimore City Paper in September 2007 and "Best Band" in September 2008

Usage examples of "ponytail".

The cabinet was brown with fake wood grain, fireproof, batterproof, burglarproof, made of heavy-gauge steel for the most security-minded file keepers, and the ponytailed guy was fiddling noisily with the lock.

Her glossy black hair was bound back in a girlish ponytail, and a silk scarf peeking about the top button of her fur-collared coat lent her an exotic, gypsyish air.

A gold earring decorates his left earlobe, and a braided, silver ponytail hangs over his right shoulder.

With her thick, black hair caught up in a ponytail, it was easy to see the vesica piscis symbol.

His greying hair was tied back in a ponytail and his coat and weskit were rumpled.

She was dark skinned, looking Mex rather than Yanqui, and her long black hair was tied back in a ponytail with a bow of red velvet ribbon.

I loped down the brick sidewalk, bookbag slung over one arm, the other struggling with the ponytail.

The young, ponytailed waitress was busy serving lattes to two tourists.

There were no megastars parading complete with an entourage of press agents and gofers, no studio executives with ponytails and designer stubble chins, no fashionable catering, no upstairs rooms where pretty young boys, shapely girls, and little bowls of white powder were arrayed for guests to help themselves.

He sported a ponytail despite ponytails being frowned upon and considered much too frivolous for an officer of the law.

Mark Wurst, the propmaster, rushed toward her, his graying ponytail flying.

European with an unplaceable accent, turning to present Perry with a close-up view of the back of his wrinkled linen jacket, his ragged gray ponytail.

She had taken the call in bed the night before, had thrown on a warmup suit, pulled her hair into a ponytail, and raced to the hospital, where she had spent the night.

Ristelli's inmate assistant, a fat, ponytailed biker named Marion Truesdale, aka Pork, whose arms were inked with blue, circusy designs, the most prominent being a voluptuous naked woman with the head of a demon, and whose class work, albeit competent, tended to mirror the derivative fantasy world of his body art.

Party,' the strange-seeming but politically prescient annular agnation of ultra-right jingoist hunt-deer-with-automatic-weapons types and far-left macrobiotic Save-the-Ozone, -Rain-Forests, -Whales, -Spotted-Owl-and-High-pH-Waterways ponytailed granola-crunchers, a surreal union of both Rush L.