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n. (plural of polo English)

Polos (disambiguation)

Polos generally refers to a high cylindrical crown typically worn by mythological goddesses.

Polos may also refer to:

  • The plural of polo
  • In music, the polos is one of the interlocking parts of Kotekan

The polos crown (plural poloi; ) is a high cylindrical crown worn by mythological goddesses of the Ancient Near East and Anatolia and adopted by the ancient Greeks for imaging the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele and Hera. The word also meant an axis or pivot and is cognate with the English, 'pole'. It was often open at the top with hair cascading down from the sides, or it could be reduced to a ring. In the classical period, mortal women seem not to have worn poloi, but they are more commonly seen in terracotta statues of women from the Mycenaean period, thus the use in statues of goddesses can be seen as a deliberate archaism. Some poloi seem to have been made by weaving though it is not clear what material. None have been found in archaeological digs, suggesting that they were not made of metal.

Usage examples of "polos".

I think we should spend the night here, whether the Polos are inside or not.

As soon as Hunter found out that the Polos had not taken the road north, he would come right back.

Besides, if the Polos had passed through the gate, the sentries were the ones to ask.

The slave Nostril fed and curried and combed our horses to prime condition, and we Polos made conversation with other karwan journeyers.

One that had come to court before we Polos arrived was still being recounted and discussed and argued over.

So we Polos, having to go north and having no experience of travel in such terrain and conditions, had waited for the prudent others.

I saw no other Venetian traders in the city, or Genoese or Pisan or any other of our commercial rivals, but we Polos were not the only white men.

Anyway, when we Polos left Kashgar, I was still accustomed to calculating in farsakhs, so it did not much dismay me to say to myself that we had only some eight or nine hundred of them to go to Khanbalik.

Why did Ussu and Donduk, though they knew all our names and had no trouble saying them, always address us Polos indiscriminately as Ferenghi?

Meanwhile, as my father and uncle all along intended, Venice and the rest of Europe have profited from increased trade with the East, a trade much facilitated by the copies of all our maps of the Silk Road which we Polos brought home from there.

She and the leading nobles of her company and the three envoys from Persia and we three Polos and most of the Khanbalik court all sat down with Kubilai to a farewell banquet in the same vast chamber where we had enjoyed our welcoming banquet so long before.