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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Plus sign

Plus \Plus\, a. [L., more; akin to Gr. ?, ?, and E. full. See Full, a., and cf. Pi[`u], Pleonasm.]

  1. (Math.) More, required to be added; positive, as distinguished from negative; -- opposed to minus.

  2. Hence, in a literary sense, additional; real; actual.

    Success goes invariably with a certain plus or positive power.

    Plus sign (Math.), the sign (+) which denotes addition, or a positive quantity.

plus sign

n. (context arithmetic English) The symbol + used to denote the operation of addition and to indicate that a number is positive.

plus sign

n. a sign indicating the operation of addition

Usage examples of "plus sign".

The plus sign in equation XIV-2 on page 337 should be a minus sign if it is to be consistent with the previous equations--”.

Wetting his punctured thumb, he touches Merribell's brow and draws the sacred plus sign with a mixture of blood and water.

O= P= -++-, Q= ++The code seemed simple enough, with each plus sign standing for a long stroke and each dash for a short one.

One lousy plus sign that should have been a minus, in one small subroutine that controlled one phase of a continuous casting operation on CM-24.

Let's check out CURRENT_USER by clicking the plus sign to the left of it.

There are five cards marked with a star, five with a circle, five with a square, five with a pattern of wavy lines, and five with a cross or plus sign.