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plat du jour

n. the special dish for the day in a restaurant

Plat du Jour

Plat du Jour is a studio album by British electronic musician Matthew Herbert. It was released on Accidental Records in 2005. The album was created using the sounds of food preparation and production. "Celebrity" features a vocal contribution from Dani Siciliano.

Usage examples of "plat du jour".

The old man hated Czemy, and so did I, but Czemy was the plat du jour on the bill of fare then, and so Czemy it was until my joints were rubber.

Inside was a wonderful surprise, for the menu included both ordinary fare and a single plat du jour of the highest gourmet quality, with wines to match.

The plat du jour having gone down the hatch, accompanied by some fluid ounces of strengthening coffee, I was about to reach for the marmalade, when I heard the telephone tootling out in the hall and rose to attend to it.

Eat the plat du jour and drink the vin du Cassis that they give you.

This information obtained, Darrow proposed to Miss Viner that they should stroll along the quays to a little restaurant looking out on the Seine, and there, over the plat du jour, consider the next step to be taken.