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n. 1 (context cryptography English) (alternative spelling of plain text English) 2 (context computing English) (alternative spelling of plain text English)


In cryptography, plaintext is information a sender wishes to transmit to a receiver. Cleartext is often used as a synonym. Plaintext has reference to the operation of cryptographic algorithms, usually encryption algorithms, and is the input upon which they operate. Cleartext, by contrast, refers to data that is transmitted or stored unencrypted (that is, 'in the clear').

Usage examples of "plaintext".

But the digits resulting from an encoding were then enciphered with the disk just as if they were plaintext letters.

The encipherer repeats this above the plaintext letters until each one has a keyletter.

The encipherer repeats this process with all the letters of the plaintext.

To operate it, the encipherer, after first setting the key elements, twirled a knob at the left to the plaintext letter, and revolved a handle at the right.

Using his known or assumed plaintext values, the cryptanalyst sets up equations in which the displacements of the several rotors constitute the unknowns, and then, using higher algebra, solves the equations for them.

Then, like magic, high-level encrypted Russian communications, pulled from the ether, began spewing forth in readable plaintext.

Finally, Newbold anagrammed the letters of this senary text to produce his Latin plaintext.

The chief cause of this flexibility lay in the anagramming process—the one that finally produced the Latin plaintext.

They may run test decipherments, simulating rotors wired in various ways and turning in various periods, and print out the test solutions at rates up to 600 lines per minute, starring those solutions that statistically most resemble plaintext.

We'll have the plaintext, we'll have the Shark cipher settings, so we'll be able to make a start on reconstructing the new Weather Code Book.

The Nicodemus cipher sets out a plaintext beneath a keyword, enciphers it in Vigenere according to that keyword, and then transposes it vertically by keynumbers derived from the keyword.

Fate is there, plaintext cartoon-icon of his scarred face, and next to him a shape that can only be Max Helling, bright among the rest.

Plaintext went in and Plaintext came out, while anyone intercepting the message between the two endpoints would pick up nothing but a meaningless sequence of marks and spaces.

To encrypt, generate the same number of keystream letters as plaintext letters.

To decrypt, generate the same keystream and subtract modulo 26 from the ciphertext to recover the plaintext.