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n. (context vulgar English) An act of urination. vb. (present participle of piss English)


n. informal terms for urination; "he took a pee" [syn: peeing, pee, piss]

Usage examples of "pissing".

But it was good that he did, because his room was otherwise a horror—his dark breeches couldn’t conceal that he had been pissing blood, sometimes sooner than he could get to the chamber-pot.

Unless something breaks soon, it’s going to be a hell of an international pissing contest, the kind nobody really wins.

Besides, pearl growers aren’t eager to get into a public pissing contest over cultured versus manufactured.

Archer didn’t mention the Red Phoenix Triad, April Joy, or the international pissing match over the luxury pearl trade.

He found people to be most cooperative when they were all but pissing with fright.

That meant there was going to be a real professional pissing contest over the validity of Serena’s leaves from the Book of the Learned.

And he presented Joe with a book entitled Never Whistle While You're Pissing: A Guide to Self-Liberation, by Hagbard Celine, H.

He turned quickly, unable to stop pissing, and Albert Stern came through the door, shooting before Dutch could take aim.

He rose and walked to the bookshelves and, as he expected, found a stack of Hagbard's little pamphlets on the bottom: Never Whistle While You're Pissing, by Hagbard Celine, H.

He realized that he was whistling and pissing at once, worrying about Peos as well as about George, and brought himself back sharply.

It was titled Never Whistle While You're Pissing, and the flyleaf had a bold scrawl saying, "Best regards from the author,"'followed by a gigantic C like a crescent moon.

When they realized he was pissing himself, they both let go at once and tumbled into the fœtid dust below the gibbet.

Sit here waiting for him to show up looking for an old laundry ticket while your brother stands here pissing all over the floor?

Ten years ago the cops would have picked him right up, now everybody thinks he's just out jogging don't even turn around take a look at your father, Billy in there pissing on the floor if that isn't.

Walked out the door there you didn't believe me did you, thought I just wanted to impress your God damn brother where is he, tries to clip me twenty dollars on a hundred dollar check where is he, why isn't he here pissing on the floor.