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n. (plural of pestle English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: pestle)

Usage examples of "pestles".

To me they were only a mouldy collection of bones and fossils and shells, of stone pestles and mortars, of charred timber and clay utensils and curiously shaped stones.

The thumping of wooden pestles husking the evening rice stopped for a moment and Babalatchi's name rang afresh shrilly on women's lips in various keys.

The young women walked back to the Mammoth Hearth with some small mortars and pestles, and several lumps of red ochre coloring material in various shades.

The little pots carefully labeled in his decisive hand, the blackened kettles and stained pestles, the spilled herbs and the, lingering odors still worked their spell on me.

The little pots carefully labeled in his decisive hand, the blackened kettles and stained pestles, the spilled herbs and the lingering odors still worked their spell on me.

There being not nearly enough pestles and mortars, many of the women to the other side were using dished rocks and round stones to carefully crunch the glass chips.

He and the others selected pestles and started to pound one of the slabs.